EVEG TECH has helped numerous business websites in reintroducing their website back on Search Engine Result Pages.

Every year, Google rolls out certain updates for its search algorithm to better ensnare websites considered to be spamming its search results. Google Search Algorithm Informs have surprised the SEO World. The SEO business is transformed with Google’s numerous SEO updates. Google Panda and Penguin are the two important updates that affect your website unbelievably and it is significant to remain up-to-date with these to shun away the threat it might pose on your site.


What is a Google Panda Update?

GooglePandaWith the introduction of Google Panda in 2011, the complete SEO world has been surprised. It is an algorithm that is future to prevent sites from ranking in search engines that have poor website contents. It gets restructured from time to time and if the adequate changes are not made, it is sure to get your website ranking affected.



What is a Google Penguin Update?

GooglePenguin The Penguin update was released in 2012 to penalize websites to be spamming Google. This includes sites pandered in paid          advertising link and unconventional methods to trick the search engines. Although only about 1% of the search results were          penalized, the sites ranking cut down quickly from the rankings list and were unable to recover for some time until the penalty is  removed. The consequence and penalty made it difficult for them to recover from the update.



If your website is not getting ranked regardless of of engaging all SEO techniques, it is assured that your website has been affected by Google Panda or Penguin. If your website is affected by any of them, which will put your website in trouble. However, you need not worry about the Panda or Penguin affect EVEG TECH is here to help you. To moderate the risk getting into the Panda/Penguin penalties affect, we highlight more on site examinations, engaging content in website, brand reputation management and site clean-ups (Google Panda/Google Penguin).


Practice We Follow

There has been many tranquil competition in the SEO Industry, due to these timely updates by Google and EVEG TECH is one of the companies that will promise Google Penalty Recovery.

With the distinct team of SEO experts, efforts are made to analyze and manually update the required areas that may have resulted in penalty. The process contains.

  • Google Webmaster Tool
  • Download Incoming Link Report
  • Optimizing the Anchor Text
  • Analyze and Remove all bad backlinks
  • Link removal done using Google Disavow Tool

Once approximately 80% links are removed or deleted, we will file for reconsideration in Google Webmaster Tools.